Enabling backchannel communication between a lecturer and a large group Authors : Glessmer M. S., Göttsch P., Pick M.A.
The acceptance of using an annotation approach on Tablet PC-based e-book in a mechanical engineering course Authors : Chen Hsin-Chin, Huang Yueh-Min, Liu Chia Ju, Shen Ming-Hsun, Wang Tzone I.
The Effects of using Synonyms Annotation for English Video Subtitles on Content Understanding, Vocabulary Learning, and Cognitive Loading Authors : Wang T.I., Wu Y.H.
An open approach to educational resource development, with a specific example from structural engineering Authors : Beer M., Comerford L., DeAngelis M., Kougioumtzoglou I., Mannis A.
The role of educational technology and learning spaces in electrical engineering education – a case study at Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Authors : Hänninen J.J., K. Keltikangas
Tools to see with – Investigating the role of experimental technologies for student learning in the laboratory Authors : J Bernhard
TeachING-LearnING.EU – Three years of improving German engineering education and what can be learned for Europe Authors : Jeschke S., May D., Petermann M., Richert A., Schuster K., Tekkaya A. E.
Investigating First-Year Engineering Students’ Understandings of Computer Simulations and Interactivity Authors : Diefes-Dux H.A., K Madhavan, Rodgers K.J.
Understanding social learning behaviours of xMOOC completers Authors : Hennis T.A., Skrypnyk O, Vries P. de
Using active learning to teach Applied Natural Sciences to first year students Authors : Engeln R.A.H., Gomez Puente S.M.