Implementing design-based learning in engineering education Case Aalto University Design Factory Authors : M. A. Clavert, M. S. Laakso
Coupling of theory and practice through inductive learning in experimental fluid mechanics education A practical study Authors : C.M. Velte, K. E Meyer, P.H. Andersson
Developing engineering solutions through design-based learning projects: an electrical engineering example Authors : M. van Eijck, S.M. Gómez Puente, W. Jochems
Combining flipped instruction and multiple perspectives to develop cognitive and affective processes. Authors : A Gardner, K. Willey
The Effects of the Mentoring System on the Achievement of Students in Project Management Course Authors : Thomas U. Ganiron Jr.
Enhancing the CE Project Courses in the BSCE Curriculum of FEATI University Authors : Thomas U. Ganiron Jr.
On Using Test-Driven Development to Tutor Novice Engineering Students using Self-Assessment Authors : H. Hallez, J. Boydens, P. Cordemans
Using Theory to Improve Design Instruction in a New Common First-year Programme for Engineers Authors : F. Farrell, J. McGrory, S. Chance, T. Burke, U. Beagon
Generic model for international assembly instructions for special machinery assembly Authors : B. C. Müller, C. Ulbrich, G. Seliger, J. P. Menn