Laugh your Mistakes Away – Using self-deprecating humor to mask occasional problems in public speaking Authors : B. A. Andeweg, J.C. de Jong, M. J.Y. Wackers
Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of the Knowledge Triangle Authors : B. Nørgaard, E. Sjoer, M. Goossens
Online Vocational Training for Safety and Security through Competence- and Work-Based Learning Authors : D. de Andrés, J. Gracia-Morán, J.C. Baraza-Calvo, J.C. Ruiz, P.J. Gil-Vicente
Developing and implementing a feedback and assessment tool for written and oral communication across the engineering curriculum Authors : E. Londers, I Van Hemelrijck, L. Versteele, Y. Berbers
Professional Skills Portfolio for a Progressive Engineering Education Authors : D. F. McGarthy, D. M. Kennedy
Where to gain future competencies for Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2)? Authors : A.M. Lienert, B. Schiffer