Attracting Students to Science, Technology and Engineering Higher Education Authors : A.Reis, C. Patrocfnio, P. Lourtie
Thinking like an engineer: using engineering habits of mind to redesign engineering education for global competitiveness Authors : Hanson J., Lucas B.
Engineering positioning test in Flanders: a powerful predictor for study success? Authors : Callens R., De Laet T., Vanderoost J., Vandewalle J.P.L.
Mid Project Milestone for the QUEECA TEMPUS Project: First Results and Rising Expectations Authors : Betti M., Borri C., Guberti E.
Attracting and Retaining Human Talent in Engineering Sciences Authors : Marcus Petermann, Natascha Strenger, Sulamith Frerich, Theresa Janssen
Investigating the perception of professional engineers that undergraduate engineering students hold ? Authors : Bretcanu O, Hooper H, Tudor J