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as adopted by the Board of Directors:

  • Creativity and professionalism in reaching the highest professional quality possible whilst encouraging creativity in our thinking, in our doing, in our learning and in our working
  • Engagement and responsibility in achieving our aims and objectives and fulfilling our mission for the benefit of higher engineering education in Europe
  • Respect for diversity and different cultures in cooperating with different regions all over the world, with specific social and economic settings, with different educational environments, and with different ways of thinking and communicating
  • Institutional inclusiveness in involving all higher engineering education stakeholders, at individual, institutional, organizational and governmental level
  • Multidisciplinarity and openness in being open minded and promoting exchanges across all engineering disciplines
  • Transparency in cooperating in a good and open spirit
  • Sustainability in working efficiently and effectively with technological achievements and with available environmental, economic and human resources, to the benefit of future generations

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