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Innovation and Assessment of Engineering
The book collects the presentations of the International Symposium organised by the University of Valladolid and the SEFI Working Group on Curriculum Development.
It can be downloaded from
Active members of the group can get a free printed copy upon request to Urbano Domínguez (

European Continuing Engineering Education – “Conceptualizing the Lessons Learned”
ISBN 978-2-87352-002-1
Published by SEFI and TKK Dipoli.
Edited by Pia Lappalainen, Langwitch Oy, Finland.

A Call to Action
A report of the SEFI-led WG 4 on Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning of the SOCRATES Thematic Network H3E (Higher Engineering Education for Europe).
ISBN 2-87352-028-X
SEFI Document N° 20
Free of charge

Bologna Spirit in Two Tier Engineering Education Curricula Development
Proceedings of the SEFI Curriculum Development Working Group at an International Seminar held in Vilnus Gediminas Technical University 17-19 May 2002, Vilnus, Lithuania.
Editors: Algirdas Vaclovas Valiulis, Otto Rompelman
ISBN 2-87352-047-7
SEFI Document

Improving the Gender Balance in Engineering Education Using ICT Methods and ¼br /> Contents
Proceedings of the international seminar organised by SEFI Working Groups on Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Women in Engineering Education (WGWE) – Oulu Polytechnic, Institute of Technology and University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology – Oulu, Finland 16-17 May 2002.
Edited by Katariina Ahla, University of Oulu.
Published by SEFI 119, rue de Stassart B-1050 Brussels.
ISBN 2-87352-046-9

Mathematics for the European Engineer: A Curriculum for the Twenty – First Century
A report by the SEFI Mathematics Working Group.
Edited by Leslie Mustoe and Duncan Lawson, March 2002.
ISBN 2-87352-045-0

ENTREE 2001: Environmental Training in Engineering Education
Integrated Green Policies: Progress for Progress
Proceedings 14-17 November 2001 Florence Italy organised by
EEE Working Group for Environmental Engineering
Take Care S.R.L Environment and Management Consultants
PCM Working Group for Environmental Quality.
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Tecnologie Indusriali, University of Florence
S. Pöyry& Tanja Ylitalo.

The Impact of ICT on the Curriculum
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Information and Communication Technologies in Engineering Education, organised 2-4 May 2001 by SEFI ICT Group and CDWG in Galway, Ireland.
I. Gibson, 2001.
ISBN 2-87352-042-6

ENTREE 2000: Environmental Training in Engineering Education – Engineering Design & Application for Sustainable Development
Proceedings of the ENTRÉE 2000 conference organised 14-17 November 2000 at Newtown abbey and Belfast, Ireland, by EEE Network, SEFI WG for Environmental Engineering and the University of Ulster.
S. Pöyry & A. Hagström, Brussels, 2000.
ISBN 90-76760-02-0

The Many Facets of International Education of Engineers
Proceedings of the International Conference organised 6-8 September 2000 in Paris by SEFI and ParisTech.
J. Michel (ed.), Rotterdam, 2000.
ISBN 90-5809-167-8

Engineering Education: Rediscovering the Centre
Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference ‘99 organised 1-3 September 1999 in Winterthur and Zurich, Switzerland.
Hagström (ed.), Zürich, 1999.
ISBN 3-7281-2524-5

Engineering Aspects in Physics Education
Proceedings of the SEFI WGP Seminar EAPE ‘99 organised 21-23 June 1999 in Smolenice, Slovak Republic.
E. Adlerová, J. Dillinger, WGP & Slovak University of Technology, 1999.
ISBN 2-87352-027-2.
SEFI Document N° 24

Ethics in Engineering
Post Conference Papers of WG on Ethics Seminar organised in Poland April 29 – May 1 1999
R.E. Sliva & J. Panicz, 1999.
ISBN 2-87352-028-0
SEFI Document N° 25

ENTREE 99: Environmental Training in Engineering Education – Sustainable Use of Natural Resources – Cooperative Planning and Actions
Proceedings of the ENTREE 99 Conference, organised by UETP-EEE and Tampere Polytechnic University, Finland, 1999.
S. Pöyry & A. Hagström, Brussels, 1999.
ISBN 90-76760-01-2

Development of the Engineer on the Knowledge Society: The State of the Art – The 4th European Forum for Continuing Engineering Education
Proceedings of the forum organised by NTNU, SEFI, FEANI and IGIP, Trondheim, Norway, 1999.

Design in Engineering Education
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Design in Engineering Education organised 22-24 October 1998 in Odense, Denmark.
V. John & K. Lassithiotakis (ed.), Odense, 1998.
ISBN 2-87352-024-8
SEFI Document N° 21

Experiments and Measurements in Engineering Physics Education
Proceedings of SEFI WGP Seminar EMEPE ‘98 organised 15-17 October 1998 at Brno, Czech Republic.
ISBN 80-214-1223-2

Entrepreneurship, Management and Engineering Education
Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference organised 2-4 September 1998 in Helsinki.
ENTREE 98: Environmental Training in Engineering Education – Innovation Strategies for Economy and Environment

Proceedings of the ENTREE 98 Conference, organised by UETP-EEE, and Hogeschool Ijsselland, Deventer, 1998.
S. Pöyry, J. Pringle & A. Hagström, Brussels, 1998.
A Tool to Improve the Learning Process – Evaluation and Quality development in Engineering Education
Based on a seminar held in Grimstadt, June 1997.
SEFI Document N° 19

Engineering Education in Europe 1997
P. Bishop, F. Côme, P. Jeffels & S. Pöyry, 1997.
ISBN 2-87352-021-3
Free of charge

The Scope, Place and Content of Practise in Engineering Education
Proceedings of a SEFI Curriculum Development Group Seminar held at Vilnius Technical University May 1996.
R. Ciupaila, V. John & A. Valiulis, Brussels, 1996.
ISBN 2-87352-022-1
SEFI Document N° 18

Active and Productive Learning in Higher EE – Students as producers vs. consumers
Based on the SEFI CDWG Seminar held on 1-3 November 1995 at the University of Twente, Enschede, and at the Rijkshogeschool Ijselland, Deventer.
CDWG, 1995.
ISBN 2-87352-020-5
SEFI Document N°16

Waste Management & Waste Handling – University Programs & Industrial Demands
SEFI WGEE Seminar held in Stockholm 22-24 May 1995.
Lennart Nilson, Royal Institute of Technology (S), 1996.
ISBN 2-87352-021-3
SEFI Document N° 17

Educating the Whole Engineer – The Role of Non-Technical Subjects in Engineering Curricula
Proceedings of a SEFI CDWG seminar held at Cracow May 1995.
Dr. G. Heitmann, V. John, Prof. H. van Oort, Prof. Z. Waszczyszyn, 1995.
ISBN 2-87352-018-3
SEFI Document N° 15

Advanced Education in Automation and Control Technology
Based on a seminar held in Prague May 1994.
ISBN 2-87352-016-7
SEFI Document N° 12

Distributed Control
Based on Workshop in Prague May 1994.
J. Bilek, Prague, 1994.
ISBN 2-87352-017-5
SEFI Document N°13

Sustainable Development – Responsibility of Engineering Education
Based on SEFI WGEE seminar held 27-29 April 1994 in Balatonfüred, Hungary.
S. Pöyry, I. Szebényi & G. Széchy, Brussels, 1994.
ISBN 2-87352-019-1
SEFI Document N° 14

European Seminar on Automation and Control Technology Education
Based on seminar held in Dresden April 1994.
Prof. K Reinschke, Vienna, 1994.
ISBN 2-87352-066-X
SEFI Document N° 11

Curriculum development in European Engineering Education
K Bednarz, G Heitmann, V John, Brussels, May 1993.
SEFI Cahier N° 2

The Role of Female Engineers in the Changing Europe
Proceedings of the SEFI WG Women in Engineering Seminar held in April 1992 at Miskolc University, Hungary.
T. Poje & S. Pöyry, Helsinki, 1993.
ISBN 2-87352-007-8
SEFI Document N° 5

Project-Organized Curricula in Engineering Education
Seminar held May 1993 at The Engineering College of Copenhagen.
Brussels, 1993.
ISBN 2-87352-013-2
SEFI Cahier N° 4

Seminar on Cleaner Technologies, University Programmes and Industrial Practice
Proceedings of the Seminar held at University of Twente.
M Horvat, H J van Oort, Twente, 1993.
ISBN 2-87352-006-X
SEFI Document N° 4

Engineering Education in Central / Eastern Europe
C. Comina, Brussels, 1993.
ISBN 2-87352-002-7
Free of charge

Engineering Education in the 2000’s – Does Europe need generalists or specialists?
Based on SEFI CDWG Seminar held on 18-19 June 1992 at Miskolc University, Hungary.  H Hodel, V John, J Pinkster, 1992.
SEFI Cahier N° 3

Environmental Engineering – A Challenge for Europe
Proceedings of the SEFI WG on Environmental Engineering Seminar organised June 15-16 1992 in Vienna.
R. Bahnmueller, M. Horvat & I. Jansen, Vienna, 1992.
ISBN 2-87352-004-3
SEFI Document N° 3

Survey of Academic Recognition within the Framework of ICP’s in the Field of Mechanical Engineering
H Risvik-Henriksen, G Haug, Brussels, 1991.
SEFI Cahier N° 1

A Core Curriculum in Mathematics for the European Engineer
Report of the SEFI Working Group on Mathematics.
D. J. Barry & N. C. Steele, Plymouth/ Coventry, 1991.
ISBN 2-87352-001-9
SEFI Document N°1

Engineering Education in Europe
C. Comina (ed.), Brussels, 1990.
ISBN 2-87352-000-0
Free of charge

Recruitment of Women in Engineering
Proceedings of the Symposium held at the EEE88 Sefi-annual Conference in Leuven
30 August-2 September 1988.
R. Gobin & E. van Oost, 1988.

European Thesis Abroad Programme (ETAP I)
L A Hansen & F Maffioli, Copenhagen, 1988.
Free of charge

Educating the Engineer for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Activities
J. Eekels, Brussels, 1986.

Safety Education in Engineering Curricula
Based on a Seminar held 5-7 October 1983 at Zürich.
DEP Jenkins, Zürich, 1983.


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