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Engineering Competencies and Skills – Position Paper
Complementing the Conventional: Engineering Competencies and Skills for an Uncertain Future The SEFI Position Since the publication of SEFI’s last…
ASEE & SEFI Joint Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As a member of a global engineering community, I pledge to celebrate diversity, create opportunities, and actively support inclusive environments, in which all my students, colleagues, and members of the wider society are welcomed, respected, and valued. I acknowledge that a path with no examination, reflection, and action perpetuates an inequitable status quo. I commit to work collaboratively with all engineering community members and stakeholders to disrupt systemic exclusion and to create a culture where all will thrive.
SEFI Position Paper on Diversity, Equality and Inclusiveness in Engineering Education
Published in May 2018
Position Paper on Engineering Skills
Developing Graduate Engineering Skills - by SEFI Working Group for Engineering Skills