Supervised internship data evolution and the internationalization of engineering courses Authors :B.T. Enachev, P.C. Kaminski, R. Vizioli
Entrepreneurship and gender in higher engineering education in Germany Authors :B. Hosch-Dayican, C. Terkowsky, D. May, K. Lensing, L. Leisyte, L. Sigl
The Colibri Project: Overcoming diversity in blended e-learning activity preparation Authors :J. Frick, J. M. Pedersen, J. Solé-Pareta, J.M. Gutierrez, M. Kirikova, P. N. Tran
The innovation—cognitive science interface: Implications for engineering and technology education Authors :J. Barnes, M. Dyrenfurth
Codesigned and coconstructed leadership training of engineers Authors :C. Gillet, D. Coadour, O. Reynet
Stimulating feedback conversations: Evaluation of a Textual Feedback Tool for Industrial Design Education. Authors :M. Funk, M.R. van Diggelen
The Unspent Resource Industrial Adjunct Professors as a Potential Source for Developing Engineering Curricula Authors :A Jörnesten, L Geschwind, P Fagrell
FIRE: Education program in Refractory Engineering Authors :A. Gasser, C. Parr, E. Blond, E. de Bilbao, J Poirier, M. Rigaud, S. Sinnema, T. Tonnesen