Combining online and face-to-face tutoring to enhance learning physics concepts Authors :Englen R., Gomez Puente S.M.
A heuristic to understand curriculum change: towards comparing 3 course programme overhauls within the Dutch 3TU coalition Authors :C. Oude Alink, H.L. Schellen, M.E.D. van den Bogaard, M.J. Verkroost
Adoption of a New Project-Based Learning (PBL) Curriculum in Information Technology Authors :J Holvikivi, M Lakkala, P Hjort, P Vesikivi, S Lukkarinen
Integrated Mechatronic Design with Project Base Learning Authors :Aicha FONTE, Benoit LE ROUX, Bruno BONHEUR, Estelle COURTIAL, Gilles HIVET, Jacques FANTINI, Samir ALLAOUI
Project-based Learning as an Effective Developer of Young Engineers’ Curriculum Authors :G Kladis, M Cortesão, O.Y Zhou, S Clayes, T Monteiro
Concept Mapping: an Innovative Tool for Curriculum Development Authors :E. Londers, I. Van Hermelrijck, N. Totté, Y. Berbers
Motivation blockers of first year Mechanical Engineering students at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences Authors :E.Hueting, H.Geraedts, W. van de Groep
Professors’ Perceptions of How Men and Women Students Experience Engineering Education Differently…Or Not Authors :K. Beddoes