Competence-oriented assignments in the mathematical education of mechanical engineers Authors :Alpers B.
Description of an e-learning tutorial in geostatistics delivered at one university and at one company Authors :Crepon
Educating new Global Engineers by Re-Cycling the old ones Fitzgerald, A.S. Lead Professional Supervisor, MSc PE Aston University Birmingham UK Conference Topic: The Global Engineer Introduction Authors :Fitzgerald A.S.
Review of Engineering Mathematics curriculum at UCD in light of qualitative changes in secondary-school mathematics education in Ireland Authors :English N.J.
Evaluating Postgraduate students’ Perceptions of Activity Led Learning: Findings from a longitudinal study Authors :Cooke G., Glendinning I., Lewis P.
Multidisciplinary Learning Affordances of a Science-Based Virtual World Environment Authors :Artimo P., Joensuu P., K. Nordström, Kangasniemi T., Närhi M., Natri O., Olkinuora S., Palomäki S., Qvist P., Seppanen J.
Training of Academic Staff for Engineering Education: A Programme for Developing Teaching and Learning at University Authors :Rummler M.Dr.
The Effects of the Mentoring System on the Achievement of Students in Project Management Course Authors :Thomas U. Ganiron Jr.
Enhancing the CE Project Courses in the BSCE Curriculum of FEATI University Authors :Thomas U. Ganiron Jr.