Towards an aligned design approach for the engineering curriculum Authors :de Jong M., Froyen L, I Van Hemelrijck, Londers E.
Analysis of analytics – videoclip watching activity in introductory physics Authors :J. Tiili, S. Suhonen
Combining good practices in fully online learning environment – introductory physics course Authors :J. Tiili, S. Suhonen
Using active learning to teach Applied Natural Sciences to first year students Authors :Engeln R.A.H., Gomez Puente S.M.
Safety knowledge for professional engineers and students: A global scheme of education Authors :Djapan I., Giagloglou E., Macuzic I., Mijovic P., Tsiafis C.
Investigating the perception of professional engineers that undergraduate engineering students hold ? Authors :Bretcanu O, Hooper H, Tudor J
Who has heard about the hear ? Evaluation of initial employer impact of the higher education achievement record Authors :Hooper H, Manns H, Penlington R, Tudor J
Exploiting the Thesis Research: Educating Engineering PhD Students to Think and to Act Entrepreneurially Authors :Coughlan P., McNabola A.