Thinking like an engineer: using engineering habits of mind to redesign engineering education for global competitiveness Authors :Hanson J., Lucas B.
Flipped learning: comparing the student experience from 1st year to postgraduate Authors :A Gardner, K. Willey, Kadi A.
Global Competence: Technology Innovation and Sustainability – The experience of a Trans-Atlantic concurrent Master’s degree project Authors :Barnes J.L., Dyrenfurth M.J.
Innovative on Demand International Engineering Programs Authors :Amaral L. A., Barros V. F. A., Brito C. da R., M. M. Ciampi, R. M. Vasconcelos
Focusing the Future of Engineering Education Authors :Amaral L. A., Barros V. F. A., Brito C. da R., M. M. Ciampi, Vasconcelos R. M.
Enabling backchannel communication between a lecturer and a large group Authors :Glessmer M. S., Göttsch P., Pick M.A.
Introducing complexity into project management through multi-stakeholders interactions Authors :Arzel M., Baux D, Beugnard A., Coupez J.P., Gallée F., Lassudrie C., Le Goff M, Morvan M., Naël R, Vinouze B.