Why join SEFI?
Become an integral part of our community of professors, experts, students and enthusiasts that are interested in improving engineering education in Europe. As a member you can:
- Access the latest news about engineering education in Europe;
- Participate in the political debate about higher education and impact policies which improve the quality of engineering education;
- Network with colleagues from other engineering education institutions, associations, students groups and corporate representatives;
- Read our publications: European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, Monthly Newsletter , Weekly press review and SEFI Annual Report;
- Participate in SEFI activities – Special Interest Groups and Task Forces, Annual Conferences (with reduced registration fees), European Convention of Engineering Deans, International Cooperation and European Projects.
Categories of membership
- Give your university the opportunity to integrate the SEFI community and your staff the opportunity to network with peers
- Promote your institution to a European and international audience
- Access to new innovative best practices and to knowledge sharing
These benefits are available to all your academic staff .
- Enter in contact with experts on engineering education, academia and students
- Advertise and increase your corporate visibility in SEFI publications, website and events
- Participate in SEFI activities
- Depending on corporate membership type gain additional benefits and enter even in closer cooperation
- Promote your association and news through SEFI channels
- Increase your visibility through the network
- Create partnerships for specific issues, projects or policy influence
- Access the organization if your institution is not a member
- Participate in SEFI Special Interest Groups and/or in the EEDC
- Get a free online access to EJEE if your institution is already a member of SEFI