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Important documents & timeline for authors of the SEFI Handbook on Engineering Skills 

– Volume A: Teaching Core Transferable Competencies & Skills in Engineering

This is the resource page for authors and contains download links to all important files for the handbook. Please note all authors have been selected and we are not looking for new submissions!.

Editor – Author agreement for publication

Per author team, please assign a corresponding author and fill out this agreement and return it to Gillian Saunders-Smits by email ( when submitting your chapter for your first peer review by 1 September 2025.


To ensure the handbook uses consistent terminology (within the European Qualification Framework) we have created a glossary. This glossary will be updated after each round of peer review. Please send any suggestions for additions to the glossary to your part editor. All proposals will be discussed by the editorial team before deciding on inclusion.


We have created templates for each part and, in the case of Part 5, multiple templates. You can download the relevant .dotx file (Word template file) below. To use, simply double-click the template in the folder where you saved the template file, and it automatically creates a Word document based on the template. As the template contains a lot of information, we have also created a PDF of each template for ease of reading. We recommend you use Microsoft Teams to collaborate and not Google docs to not run into compatibility issues when using the template.


Please find the timeline for the handbook below:

DeadlineActivity Who
1 September 2025Deadline submission of chapters for peer reviewAuthors
1 December 2025Deadline completion peer reviewPeer reviewers
15 December 2025Peer review comments to authorsEditors
1 March 2026Revised chapters dueAuthors
1 April 2026Deadline completion second peer reviewPeer reviewers
15 April 2026Peer review comments to authorsEditors
31 May 2026Final chapter manuscripts dueAuthors
September 2026Launch Handbook at SEFI Annual ConferenceAll

In case of any questions or queries please get in touch with your part editor team.

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