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SIG Board members

Tinne De Laet (Chair)
KU Leuven, Belgium
personal website

Research areas:
Learning Analytics, Educational Technology, Self-reflection and metacognition, Conceptual understanding mechanics

Research methods:
combination of quantitative and qualitative methods: machine learning, statistical analysis, questionnaires, interviews, think-aloud observations, etc.

Shannon Chance
TU Dublin, Ireland & University College London, UK
personal website

Research areas:
architecture education, student experience, education policy, education planning

Research methods:
thematic analysis, grounded theory, phenomenology, phenomenography

Kristina Edström (EJEE Editor in chief)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
personal website

Research areas:

Research methods:

Greet Langie
KU Leuven, Belgium
personal website

Research areas:
student career guidance, professional competencies (feedback literacy, etc.)

Research methods:
quantitative research (data analysis of student variables, surveys, ..) and qualitative research (in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, reflective journals, ..)

Lauri Malmi
Aalto University, Finland
personal website

Research areas:
Computing education research, programming education, automatic assessment, theory, pedagogy

Research methods:
Inductive and deductive content analysis, phenomenography, thematic analysis, systematic literature studies

Andrew Valentine
The University of Melbourne, Australia
personal website

Research areas:
Educational technology, creativity, test mode effect

Research methods:
Quasi-experimental, document analysis, thematic analysis, scientometrics

Billi Williams
CG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon; TUDublin
personal website

Research areas:
Engineering practice, Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, global evolution of EER

Research methods:
Scientometrics, narrative analysis

Christian Kautz
Hamburg University of Technology
personal website

Research areas:
Conceptual understanding in introductory engineering courses, Decoding the Disciplines framework, Effectiveness of active learning, Design of instructional materials for cooperative groups (Tutorials), Effectiveness of professional development

Research methods:
Qualitative and quantitative methods: individual student interviews, open-ended written questions, concept inventories, questionnaires

Jonte Bernhard
Linköping University
personal website

Research areas:
LabWork, design projects, philosophy of technology, phenomenography, role of technologies for learning

Research methods:
Interaction analysis, video ethnography, design based research

Jose Oliveira
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
personal website

Research areas:
PBL, Active Learning, Conceptual Understanding in Electronics

Research methods:
Qualitative (Content Analysis)

Esther Ventura-Medina
TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
personal website

Research areas:
Teamwork, Problem-solving, Innovative approaches, Collaborative Online learning, Learning analytics, Large Language Models

Research methods:
Qualitative (qualitative content analysis, thematic analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, naturalistic data/observations, conversational interviewing) and Quantitative (statistical analysis, surveys)

Former SIG Board members

Anette Kolmos
Aalborg University, Denmark
personal website

Research areas:
PBL, educational change, student learning

Research methods:
Mixed methods, cases, conceptual

Maartje Van den Bogaard
University of Michigan, US

Research areas:
Student success, curriculum innovation

Research methods:
Mixed methods, design research, complexity approaches, thematic analysis, phenomenology, phenomenography, grounded theory techniques, multivariate statistics (including SEM, EFA/CFA)

Erik de Graaff
Retired from Aalborg University, Denmark

Research areas:
PBL, Project Learning, curriculum development, assesment and evaluaties, research methods.

Research methods:
Mixed Methods Research

Kirsti Keltikangas
Aalto University, Finland

Research areas:

Research methods:

Bjørn Sortland
NTNU, Norway
personal website

Research areas:
Interdisciplinary teamwork, student active learning

Research methods:

Robin Clark 
University of Warwick
personal website

Research areas:
Active Learning, Transition, Employability, Alignment, Engineering Educator Development

Research methods:
Mainly qualitative approaches – various over time

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