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The choreography of virtues for living with AI

Constantin Vică, University of Bucharest, Romania Another text on Artificial Intelligence, another opinion about the quicksand of today's technological world. The saturation we have reached in this vast subject, although we have by no means exhausted the analysis of the…


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme

Mihály Héder, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary A consortium of four European universities - three of them SEFI members-, together with research institutes and AI companies have established the Human-Centered AI Masters Programme (HCAIM), which has launched last…


Data is Never biased, and AI is Never Unethical

Nael Barakat, Ph.D., P.Eng. FASMEUniversity of Texas at Tyler According to a report by Goldman Sachs, Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents the potential to raise the global GPD by 7% (Goldman Sachs Report).  Considering the recent vast and rapid advances…


SEFI ETHICS SIG: Call for Projects

The SEFI ETHICS SIG is launching a call for projects that can be undertaken and developed under the umbrella of the SIG or co-developed in collaboration with the SIG.  We welcome expressions of interest from potential project leaders on engineering…

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