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Sustainability as the new religion

Aleksandra Evtimova, Simona Eichkorn, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Marlieke Blankendaal, Simona Eichkorn, Aleksandra Evtimova, Colette Keurentjes, Ida Kuresevic, Kathinka Umbach are students in the Decision-Under-Risk-and-Uncertainty (DURU) course. They write about their experience in this course.  Sustainability has been a hot…


LESEC seminar by Tim Surma

29 March 2022, 12:30-14:00 CET  We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming LESEC seminar by Tim Surma, research manager of the Centre of Expertise for Effective Education (ExCEL). Tim can rely on over 20 years of experience teaching in secondary education,…

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