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BEST Presidents Meeting

A-STEP 2030 Project: BEST Presidents Meeting Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) is a European, non-profit and non-political student organisation which provides communication, cooperation and exchange possibilities for European students. It consists of 94 Local and 3 Observer BEST Groups,…


A-STEP 2030 at Engineers Ireland Conference

A-STEP 2030 – Attracting Diverse Talent to the Engineering Professions of 2030. Engineers Ireland Conference PRESS RELEASE     26th November 2019 TU Dublin, as project partners on the A-STEP 2030 project were pleased to present initial findings from the research study…


Follow your special interests with SEFI groups

Follow your special interests with SEFI groups SEFI offers an opportunity to delve into specific topics of engineering education with the Special Interest Groups. At the annual conference in Budapest, the groups organised multiple workshops and held well-attended meetings open…

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