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SEFI Elections 2023 – Call for candidates

Call for candidates: 2023 SEFI elections President, Vice president and Board members The SEFI elections will take place on the occasion of the SEFI General Assembly on 12 September 2023. The General Assembly will take place during the SEFI 2023…


Analyzing Student-Teacher interactions in Challenge-based Learning

Karolina Doulougeri, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands Date/Time: 23 May 2023, 12.30-13.30 (CET) Contact details: Karolina Doulougeri <> SEFI@work session of the series Research Methods in Engineering Education, organizedby the SEFI SIG Engineering Education Research With this session…


Call for organisers of SEFI 2025 and ECED 2024

Call for organisers of SEFI 2025  Dear colleagues, dear SEFI institutional members, We would like to invite you to send a candidature to organise the SEFI 2025 Annual Conference as well as later SEFI conferences. Our upcoming conferences will take place at TU…


SEFI History: Foundation in 1973

SEFI foundation deed dated 19 January 1973 On this day, 19 January, fifty years ago, representatives of 26 founding universities as well as two individual members from ten countries met in the Faculty Club of KU Leuven in Belgium to…

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