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List of SEFI 2017 Annual Conference Workshops

SEFI 2017 conference will offer a wide variety of attractive workshops. This is a provisional list of workshops which may be subject to further modifications: Future development of teaching & learning in Engineering Education - Pernille Andersson, Jørgen Bro Røn,…


18th WG on Mathematics seminar

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, hosted the 18th  SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar in June 27-29, 2016. More than 60 participants from 15 European countries gathered for three days to discuss important issues related to the mathematical education…


SEFI 2016 Annual Conference best papers

The participants of SEFI 2016 voted for the best paper and the best paper written by a student. The best paper is: Goldfinch, Thomas; Jolly, Lesley; Leigh, Elyssebeth; Juliana Kaya, Prpic: Australian Indigenous Cultures in Engineering Education and Challenges of Minority…


Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France (IESF)

On 16 June 2017, SEFI Secretary General Françoise Côme participated in the Club de Lamennais (IESF) meeting that brought together 31 directors, presidents, head of projects from a series of French grandes écoles, engineering associations and companies. The invited speaker…


SEFI Annual Conference 2017

Education Excellence for Sustainable Development 18-21/09/2017 - Terceira Island, Azores (Portugal) SEFI invites you to participate in its 45th Annual Conference, organised by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), in Azores (Portugal). Submission of abstracts and papers is now closed.…


Physics Professors met in Žilina – PTEE 2017

17-19/05/2017 - Zilina, SK. 30 physics educators from 10 countries around Europe gathered in Zilina to participate in 9th Physics Teaching in Engineering Education (PTEE) conference. The conference was organized by University of Zilina and SEFI working group of Physics, under…


International Seminar on Mechatronics

(a SEFI Regional activity) You are cordially invited to participate in the International Seminar on Mechatronics ‘4.0’ in Engineering Education on June 20-21, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen. Internet of Things, Digitalisation, Industry 4.0, Cyber Physical Systems and Mechatronics all…


Horizon 2020 mid-term review

28 April 2017 – Brussels. DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee have organized a presentation interim evaluation of the Horizon 2020 for stakeholders. DG Research and Innovation got about 3500 replies…

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