Sustainability competence and mindset is necessary if we want to educate engineers for the future, and ensure that they are equipped with knowledge, competences, and values needed to transform society towards sustainability. It is common to hear that Technology and Science are fundamental to solving sustainability challenges and problems. However, knowledge and competences are handicapped without the integration of sustainability values and without a whole system approach when developing sustainable solutions. That said, the mission of the SIG on Sustainability is to use sustainability principles, competence, and transformative mindsets, as catalysts to create awareness, engagement, and action towards a more sustainable engineering education among the SEFI community.
The main objectives are:
- Establish a network of students, educators, practicing engineers, and other stakeholders, who want to develop further the integration of sustainability in engineering education;
- Stimulate discussions and debates about the state of the art of educating engineers for sustainability, and how to move forward.
- Share experiences, practices, resources, lessons learned, and research outputs, in education for sustainability, and in leading change towards sustainability education.
The activities to achieve the proposed objectives are:
- Organize, or support the organization of, themed workshops at the SEFI Annual Conference
- Co-organised joint activities with other SIG groups, namely SIG on Ethics, such as the Ethics Spring School
- Organize online activities, such thematic workshops, debates, seminars.
- Create an open directory for members interested in share more about themselves and interests in sustainability
- Periodically, disseminate events, resources, and knowledge related to education for sustainability through SEFI monthly newsletter.
- Promote collaboration among engineering education community and institutions by facilitating joint research initiatives (e.g., joint articles, comparative studies, projects)
SIG SUS Updates