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Membership in Special Interest Groups is open to all SEFI members including all the staff and students of SEFI institutional members.

Are you an individual member of SEFI?

I am an individual member.

You may write directly to the Special interest group chair to express your interest in joining his group.

I am not an individual member.

Check whether your institution is a member of SEFI.

My institution is a member.

You may write directly to the Special interest group chair to express your interest in joining his group.

My institution is not a member.

Join SEFI here. Once your membership is confirmed, you may join any Special interest group. You only need to write to the Special interest group chair to express your interest in joining his group.


Join SEFI today and become an integral part of community of professors, experts, students and enthusiasts that are interested in improving engineering education in Europe. By being a member of SEFI, you are represented at European and international levels and have access to our network and to our network and to our activities. Our Society is the place where engineering educators meet and get to interact with each other, with the industry, students, and policy developers. Besides being part of our community, you will be able to:

  • Access the latest news about engineering education in Europe,
  • Participate in the political debate about higher education and impact policies which improve the quality of engineering education
  • Network with colleagues from other engineering education institutions, associations, students groups and corporate representatives
  • Read our publications: European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), Monthly  Newsletter , Weekly press review and SEFI Annual Report
  • Participate in SEFI activities – Special Interest Groups and Task Forces, Annual Conferences (with reduced registration fees), Deans conventions, International Cooperation and European Projects
  • Give your university the opportunity to integrate the SEFI community and your staff the opportunity to network with peers
  • Promote your institution to a European and international audience
  • Access to new innovative best practices and to knowledge sharing

These benefits are available to all your academic staff .

  • Enter in contact with experts on engineering education, academia and students
  • Advertise and increase your corporate visibility in SEFI publications, website and events
  • Participate in SEFI activities
  • Depending on corporate membership type gain additional benefits and enter even in closer cooperation
  • Promote your association and news through SEFI channels
  • Increase your visibility through the network
  • Create partnerships for specific issues, projects or policy influence
  • Access the organization if your institution is not a member
  • Participate in SEFI Special Interest Groups and/or in the EEDC
  • Get a free online access to EJEE if your institution is already a member of SEFI
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