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The most active members of the WG are researchers of Continuing Engineering Education (CEE) and CEE organisers within universities and professional organisations representing engineers. The WG aims also to attract industrial stakeholders, mainly by running ad hoc projecs. It is at the very core of the mission of CEE to be well attuned to industrial needs and perspectives.


  • Promotion of CEE and LLL
  • Research into practice and the theoretical field underpinning CEE
  • Promote collaboration and communication for mutual and collective benefits among members
  • Enhance quality of CEE
  • Reach out to all EU countries (and other parts of the world) to secure an extensive and varied collaboration
  • Enhance the integration of new practises (methods) for CEE e.g. work-integrated learning, It-support in CEE, work-based learning, formal, in-formal and non-formal learning activities etc.

Main activities:

  • Annual Seminar
  • European CEE Forum
  • Collaboration on projects
  • Joint research in CEE


The special interest group has collected best practices from leading European institutions in continuing engineering education and life¬long learning through the introduction books: “European Continuing Engineering Education – Conceptualizing the Lessons Learned” and “The Knowledge Triangle – Re-Inventing the Future”. The books will introduce you to CEE methodology, operators, experiments and quality assurance.


Dr. habil. Aniko Kalman

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary

Dr Christopher Smith

Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Subscribe in our LinkedIn group – look for ‘Innovations in CEE’ SEFI WGCEE.

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