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The SIG on Capacity Building aims to empower the process of developing and strengthening the competencies that trainers (faculty staff, student tutors,..) in engineering Higher Education need to thrive in a fast-changing world.


Specific objectives

  • Keep up with current trends in the field;
  • Establish a European and world wide network of engineering trainer development programs;
  • Facilitate meetings and workshops on the topic;
  • Coordinate with other special interest groups (e.g. EER) and set-up inter-SIG collaborations because of the transversal mission of this SIG.


The SIG on Capacity Building

  • organizes during the SEFI conference an annual meeting to establish a community of practice and to connect members and non-members to jointly work together on research and publications;
  • organizes a themed workshop at the SEFI Annual Conference;
  • provides a platform for those interested in the topic to share good practices;
  • participates at the annual IIDEA-workshops, notably those organized annually by Tsinghua University and IFEES.


Dr. Jennifer Griffiths

University College London
London, United Kingdom

Dr. Madeline Polmear

King's College London
London, United Kingdom

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