Ongoing EU Projects

In-4-STEM – Innovative interventions to improve social & academic integration of STEM university students
- Coordination: KU Leuven
- Partners: KU Leuven, TU Dublin, TU/e, and ENSTA
- Associate partners: Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) and Instituts des Techniques d’Ingénieur de l’Industrie (ITII)

TRAINengPDP – Training engineers for lifelong learning through a personal development process
- Coordination: KU Leuven
- Partners: KU Leuven, LUT Finland, and TU Dublin and 7 associate partners: SEFI, The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Educational Development Unit, UTUPEDA Centre, Engineers Ireland, Ie-net, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.

ENHANCE – European Universities of Technology Alliance
- Coordination: University Politècnica de València
- Partners: SEFI, University Politècnica de València, Technische Universität Berlin, Warsaw University of Technology, Politecnico Milano 1863, RWTH Aachen University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Chalmers

EuroTeQ Engineering Campus – European Universities Initiative
- Coordination: TU Munich
- Partners: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), École Polytechnique (L’X), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU).
CiSTEM² Cooperative InterdiSciplinary Teacher Education Model for Coaching Integrated STEM – Erasmus +
- 01/05/2021 – 30/04/2023
- Coordination: KU Leuven
- Partners: University College Nordjylland (DK), Obuda University (HU), University of Cyprus, SEFI
A-STEP 2030 – Attracting diverSe Talent to the Engineering Professions of 2030
- 01/09/2018-31/08/2021.
- Coordination: ENSTA Bretagne
- Partners: SEFI, ENSTA Bretagne, METROPOLIA UAS, ALBORG University, DIT Dublin Institute of Technology, BEST, Universum TBC
EBCC Model – Education, Business and Community Cooperation Model for a Creative European Engineering Education
- *October 2017.
- Coordination: TU Riga
- Partners: SEFI, SUPMECA (France), The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
PREFER – Professional Roles and Employability of Future EngineeRs
- EU ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance
- *January 2017
- Coordination: KU Leuven
STELA – Successful transition for secondary to higher education using learning analytics
- 3-year project (1/11/ 2015-31/10/2018)
- Coordination: KU Leuven
- Partners: TU Delft, TU Graz, Nottingham Trent University and SEFI.
ReadySTEMgo – Early identification of STEM readiness and targeted academic interventions
- *October 2014.
- Coordination: KU Leuven
- Partners: SEFI, University of Birmingham, Hamburg University of Technology, University of Zilina, Politecnico di Torino, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Aalto University.
EPICES – European Platform for Innovation and Collaboration between Engineer Students
- ERASMUS + (Strategic partnership)
- Coordination: Supmeca, Paris.
- Partners: SEFI, Aalto University, Riga University of Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, University di Napoli Federico II.
- EPICES Coaching Platform
QUEECA – Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia
MODERN Project – establishing a European Platform for the Higher Education Modernisation
EU-Drivers – European Platform for a regional Innovation Platform
ECCE – Engineering Observatory on Competence based Curricula for Job Enhancing
EUGENE – European and Global Engineering Education
ECDEAST – Engineering Curricula Design aligned with EQF and EUR-ACE
Techno TN – Archipelago of TNs in Science and Engineering
EUR-ACE Spread (ended in October 2010)
TREE Thematic Network and TREE-diss – LLL Accompaning Measures, “Teaching and Resaerch in Enigneering in Europe” (2004-2008)
EUR ACE – SOCRATES Project to set up a European system for the accreditation of engineering education (2004-2006)
TRANSFINE – Transfer between Formal, Informal and Non-formal education
PROGRES – The Professionalisation of Graduate Engineers
FACILE – Facilitated Open Distance Learning in Engineering Education
EUROPRO – Continuing Education Programme for Professionals in the Field of Technology
EASK Project – Promoting the Acquisition of Knowledge and to Help People pursue Life-long Learning
TESS – Testing the Engineering Skills in Statistics (”TESS” was a component of the EASK project).
EuroRecord – Developing a European Professional Record of Achievement in Europe
E4 -Thematic Network on “Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe”
H3E – First Thematic Network on Higher Engineering Education in Europe