15 April 2025, 15:30-16:30 CEST
This webinar will explore the impact that power, and privilege, and inequity play in one’s ability to embrace and learn from failure in the context of higher education.
Open Calls – Upcoming events of interest to engineering ethics educators
Call for papers open (deadline 1 March 2020)
- SEFI Annual Conference
- 20-24 September 2020, 4TU Centre for Engineering Education, Enschede, The Netherlands
Call for papers open (deadline 20 January 2020)
- The Polytechnic Summit 2020
- 3-5 June 2020, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Call for papers open (deadline 20 January 2020)
- 8th International Symposium of Engineering Education 2020
- 9-10th July 2020, University of Strathclyde, UK
Call for papers open (deadline 24 January 2020)
- 14th International Sustainable Campus Network Conference, ISCN 2020: Accelerating Climate Action and Sustainability in Education
- 24-26 June 2020, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Call for papers open (deadline 31 January 2020)
- Workshop: Science and Technology Studies as a Critical Pedagogy
- 30-31 July 2020, James Madison University, Virginia, USA
Call for registration
- Seminar with Khalid Kadir “Engineering an Ethical Reboot: Embracing the Social Dimension of Engineering”
- 12 May 2020, Carlow Institute of Technology, Ireland
Call for a special issue of The Australasia Journal of Engineering Education on Ethics in Engineering Education and Practice (1st March 2020)
The special issue is associated with the conference REES 2019, having Shannon Chance (UCL, UK & TU Dublin, Ireland) and Johannes Strobel (University of Missouri, US) as its editors. The deadline for full articles (~5000 words) is 1st March 2020. More details
Special issue of the journal Science and Engineering Ethics on “Ethics at Modern Universities of Technology”
The special issue is the outcome of the workshop ‘Science and Integrity in the Modern University’ organized at Delft University of Technology in 2013. The aim of the workshop was to reflect on the role of technological universities in addressing the societal challenges posed by technology. The issue is available here.