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As we enter the 3rd year of recording the SEFI podcast, Neil and Natalie bring season 5 to a close with their person highlights from all six episodes. And, as ever, a heartfelt thanks to all listeners from across the world!

This season was special as we had many episodes featuring multiple guests as well as individual researchers working at the forefront of engineering education:

Episode 1: Inês Direito and Jan Van Maele on Diversity Equity and Inclusion. How do we ensure diversity and equity drives inclusion and mitigates potential negative impacts?

Episode 2: Scott Daniel, Sasha Nikolic & Rezwanul Haque from AAEE Australia on Generative AI. What is the impact of Generative AI in the classroom and for the engineering profession?

Episode 3: Ann-Kristin Winkens from RWTH Germany on Resilience. Advocating a better defined and explicit focus on Resilience in the curriculum.

Episode 4: Thies Johannsen from TUB Germany on Transdisciplinary. Proposing a new perspective on defining and using diverse knowledge types.

Episode 5: Esther Matemba & Lelanie Smith on African Engineering Education. Measuring student success in the global south.

Episode 6: Jorge Membrillo-Hernández from ITESM Mexico on Challenge Based Learning. The components of an authentic challenge.

Episode 7: Natalie Wint and Neil Cooke on Highlights and Podcast Update

We are on the lookout for guests for season 7 which begins this Autumn, so please get in touch. and a call for anyone or group of people interested in being a guest

Season 6 begins next month!

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