Dear Members and Partners, We are pleased to share with you SEFI’s Strategic Plan for…
Register for SEFI General Assembly and elections!
Dear SEFI members,
I am pleased to inform you that the 2024 General Assembly of SEFI will be held on Tuesday, 3 September 2024, from 15:30 to 17:00. This year, the GA will take place in person at the EPFL in Lausanne (CH) on the occasion of the SEFI 2024 Annual Conference.
Institutional, individual, industrial, and associate members are invited to attend the General Assembly or to nominate a proxy (Art. 8 of Statutes).
The purpose of the General Assembly is to inform you about SEFI’s past year activities and future plans, to be informed about financial affairs, to vote on the budget; as well as elect new board members and Vice President.
Elections will take place online before the General Assembly.
The elections will take place online through the Electionrunner app before our General Assembly. In order to ensure fair voting, we will leave the polls open from 27 to 30 August. You can already see the candidatures here including videos!
You may register or send a proxy until 25 August – there will not be extensions!
You will find enclosed the agenda of the meeting as well as the official notification and proxy form. All the meeting documents (annexes to the agenda) will be posted in due time on SEFI One Drive.
Yours sincerely,
SEFI Secretary General