The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Karolina Doulougeri, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands
Date/Time: 23 May 2023, 12.30-13.30 (CET)
Contact details: Karolina Doulougeri <>
SEFI@work session of the series Research Methods in Engineering Education, organized
by the SEFI SIG Engineering Education Research
With this session we present the winner of the Best Research paper in SEFI 2022.
Karolina Doulougeri will present highlights of the paper awarded the Best Research paper published in the SEFI 2022 conference Analyzing Student-Teacher interactions in Challenge-Based Learning by Doulougeri, Vermunt, Bombaerts and Bots. From Challenge-Based Learning and reflective portfolios to the use of thematic analysis to explore student’s self-regulation and teacher’s regulation, we expect the audience to engage in the discussions and find take-home messages related to the topic and the research methods discussed.
General information on the Engineering Education Research Methods, SEFI@work sessions 2023.
In 2023 the SEFI SIG on Engineering Education Research will organise three SEFI@Work sessions focusing on research methods in Engineering Education Research. These sessions will give the floor to a researcher that will share a high-impact publication with solid
methodological foundations, and we will challenge them to share their experiences with the applied methods in order to support the research within our SEFI community.
These sessions of the series Research Methods in Engineer Education, will allow you to:
● Get “insight” information on essential research methods for engineering education connected to a key publication within engineering education research, such that you can discover how the research methods were applied in well-recognized research.
● Give you insights in research methods you can’t get from a textbook but that you would share with colleagues within a research team or centre.
● Get to know well-respected researchers and authors in Engineering Education.
● Connect with people working on similar topics or using similar methods to your own research.