The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Call for organisers of SEFI 2025
Dear colleagues, dear SEFI institutional members,
We would like to invite you to send a candidature to organise the SEFI 2025 Annual Conference as well as later SEFI conferences. Our upcoming conferences will take place at TU Dublin in 2023 and EPFL Lausanne from 2-5 September 2024.
The SEFI Annual Conferences are a unique opportunity for engineering education researchers and practitioners, students, industry and professional organisations to exchange their views in higher Engineering Education and meet their peers and create a (beyond) European network of contacts. It is a scientific conference, and the papers presented at the conference are listed in SCOPUS.
Our conferences typically take place the third week of September each year and receive about 400 participants from Europe and overseas.
The Letter of intent needs to be signed by the rector or president of the submitting institution and sent to SEFI office until 15 April 2023. For further information, you may contact the SEFI HQ which will also provide the SEFI Annual Conference Handbook.
We look forward to receiving your candidature.
Host the 2024 SEFI Deans Convention
Further to annual conferences, SEFI organises annual meetings for deans, directors, and department heads. Our upcoming Deans Convention is going to take place in Enschede (NL) from 24 to 26 May 2023 and will be organised by the University of Twente.
These meetings target faculty leaders and tackle very specific topics related to their role at the respective universities. It is also a valuable networking opportunity that can increase visibility of your institution.
Our deans conventions are organised in spring and welcome around 80 high-level participants.
The Letter of intent needs to be signed by the rector or president of the submitting institution and sent to SEFI office until 15 April 2023. For further information, you may contact the SEFI HQ which will share the ECED Terms of Reference.
Thank you very much for considering the candidature.