The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…

SEFI 2023 Annual Conference
11-14 September 2023 – TU Dublin, Ireland
We have extended the deadline for the Call for Papers on the topic of “How should we educate engineers to ensure that they are best prepared for a complex world?” to March 30th. We are eager to receive additional submissions and hope this extension gives you ample time to refine your research and submit your paper.
We find ourselves at a critical junction in human history. Technology offers people access to a better standard of living than has ever before been possible and yet that same technology used in an unsustainable manner threatens our very existence through climate change and environmental catastrophe.
Engineers must be at the forefront of the move to a more sustainable world. Engineers must develop new technologies to address our current challenges as well as finding new ways to use old technology more sustainably. However, we cannot rely on technology alone to successfully address these challenges. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) make it clear that the challenge of sustainability affects every facet of human life including economic, political, social, and cultural. Whilst engineers will continue to be considered as masters of technology, they must also participate, in and make informed contributions to each of these facets in order to ensure that optimal policies are adopted, and effective solutions are developed and implemented.
How then should we educate engineers to ensure that they are best prepared to develop solutions for a complex, but sustainable world?
Engineering schools have not been blind to these challenges and have been striving to combine, within their curricula, excellent technical expertise with a broader understanding of sustainability and societal needs. SEFI 2023 asks that we share what we have learned already and to explore together what can yet be done.
Theme of SEFI 2023
Engineering Education for Sustainability: Reflecting on the role of engineering education for a sustainable world
Conference Tracks
- Addressing the challenges of Climate Change and Sustainability
- Embedding Sustainability and Ethics in the Curriculum
- Engineering Skills and Competences, Lifelong Learning for a more sustainable world
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Education
- Education about and education with Artificial Intelligence
- Engagement with Society and Local Communities
- Engagement with Industry and Innovation
- Mentoring and Tutoring
- Fostering Engineering Education Research
- Virtual and Remote education in a post-Covid world
- Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods
- Fundamentals of Engineering: Mathematics and the Sciences
- Built Environment and Architecture Education
- Recruitment and Retention of Engineering Students
- Curriculum Development
- Other Topics in Engineering Education.
At SEFI 2023 you can submit three different types of proposals
Research paper, presenting original research following the standard practices for engineering education research. In a research paper the authors will present their methods, analysis and interpretations of their work and will outline the contribution of their research to engineering education.
Abstract length: maximum 250 words. The final length of the research paper is 6-8 pages (excluding references).
Practice paper, presenting ongoing projects and completed studies of practice in engineering education. In a practice paper the authors may present their work on how they practice engineering education, or how they have applied concepts within engineering education, or their review of other’s work and its application within engineering education.
Abstract length: maximum 250 words. The final length of the practice paper is 6-8 pages (excluding references).
Workshop: an engaging and interactive session with a sound theoretical foundation and an attractive translation to the practice of engineering education. A workshop proposal should be of interest to the members of the SEFI community.
Abstract length: maximum 500 words.

For further information please email: