The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…

Dr Diana Martin (co-chair SEFI Ethics SIG, TU Eindhoven) is the 2022 recipient of the Glen Earthman Dissertation Award, conferred by the International Society for Educational Planning for her PhD thesis entitled Towards a Sociotechnical Reconfiguration of Engineering and an Education for Ethics. The award is given each year to one doctoral dissertation in the field of education that examines the planning and program implementation on the international, state, regional, local and individual school or building levels. More details about the award can be found at:
Diana has conducted her doctoral research at TU Dublin as part of the CREATE group, under the supervision of Professor Brian Bowe and Mr Eddie Conlon, with Dr. Kevin O’Rourke and Prof. Carl Mitcham as examiners. The study examined how ethics is implemented and evaluated for the purpose of accreditation in 23 engineering programmes in Ireland. The project benefitted from the support of Engineers Ireland, with special thanks to Damien Owens.