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Memorandum of Understanding

22 September 2022 – The memorandum of understanding was signed between SEFI and ESTIEM during the closing ceremony of the SEFI 2022 Annual Conference in Barcelona. 

The association ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management), based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, is a non-profit student organisation that aims to connect and support the growth and sustainability of European associations of Industrial Engineering and Management students, to foster relations and develop their IEM students, personally and professionally. ESTIEM aims to impact education in the Industrial Engineering and Management field in Europe mainly by providing students non-formal education opportunities, such as events that cover relevant topics, and supporting the development of formal education.

SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) is considered to be the largest network of engineering education stakeholders in Europe with the mission to contribute to the development and improvement of engineering education in Europe, as well as to underline the need and strengthen the image of both engineering education and engineering professionals in society.

Together, SEFI and ESTIEM intend to form mutual cooperation that aims to increase new opportunities to develop both organisations, participate in each other’s events actively, and organise activities together to improve their positive impact in Europe.

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