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This year, the SEFI 2022 Annual Conference awarded four different awards in four different papers categories. Enclosed please find the winners of the different categories. Thank you for participating and, congratulations!

Best Research Paper Award – Doulouger, Karolina; D.Vermunt, Jan; Bombaerts, Gunter and Bots, Michael“Analysing student-teacher interactions in a challenge-based learning course”

Best Concept Paper Award – Knowles, Nicola; Andrews, Jane; Knowles, Graeme and Clark, Robin (University of Warwick, UK). ’’The Positive Start Project: A Proactive Approach to Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Newer Engineering Academic Community’’

Best Student Paper Award – Forbrig, Christian; Rullmann, Edward and Rappsilber, Juri (Technische Universität Berlin). “From student to expert in a week”

Susanne Ihsen Award on Diversity and Inclusiveness – Marinelli, Melissa Jane; Male, Sally Amanda (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Lord, Linley Anne (Curtin University, Singapore). “Early career patterns, experiences, and influences: reflections from women engineers in senior roles’’

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