Authors Sarah Jayne Hitt, Amy Banzaert, Olga Pierrakos will present chapter 21 "Educating the Whole Engineer by Integrating Engineering and the Liberal Arts" from the handbook.
Dear Members of SEFI,
I am pleased to inform you that the 2022 General Assembly of SEFI will be held on Tuesday 20 September 2022, 16:00 – 18:15. This year, the GA will take place in person again at the UPC Barcelona during the SEFI 2022 Annual Conference.
You will find enclosed the agenda of the meeting as well as the official notification and proxy form. Institutional, individual, industrial and associate members are hereby invited to attend the General Assembly or to nominate a proxy (Art. 8 of Statutes). The registrations are open here.
All the meeting documents (annexes to the agenda) will be posted in due time on G-drive.
Yours sincerely,
Hannu-Matti Järvinen, SEFI President