The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…

SEFI Deans Convention 2023
Leadership for digitalization in Higher Engineering Education
May 24-26, 2023: University of Twente Campus – the Netherlands
Digital education has been a fast-growing trend even before the pandemic and has gained more traction since. A large majority of higher education institutions have substantially changed by adapting to emergency remote education. Now that societies and educational institutions are adapting to ‘a new normal’, digital education is here to stay. At the same time, engineering itself is subject to digital transformation. Apart from the need to respond to and anticipate further the digital transformation in and of societies in general, universities see opportunities related to e.g., scaling-up, flexibilization, personalization, New Campus Role, and data-informed innovation. At the same time, (cyber) security threats, a lack of sense of community among students and teachers, and access need to be addressed to be able to fully benefit all target groups.
In the 2023 European Convention for Engineering Deans, we will go into leadership focused on empowering Higher Engineering students to take full charge of their own learning in a digitally transforming world. We are looking forward to meeting you on our beautiful campus to discuss these exciting topics with you!
The general objective of the Conventions is to bring together Deans* from all over Europe to meet and discuss in-depth common topics, share experiences, identify solutions for problems and build up a network with peers in different European countries.

Higher Engineering Education for the Digital and Sustainable Society and Workplace
- The digital transformation of industries and the efforts to design for sustainability have brought a massive shift in the engineering profession. This challenge is significant as it addresses a broad range of issues from technological content, to new business models and sustainable design skills, to name but a few.
- The changing societal expectations cause this shift in higher engineering education from scientific discovery to human value. Dr. Aldert Kamp will discuss what is the impact of this paradigm shift on engineering education. Do we actually know what an aspiring young engineer needs to learn to live a responsible life in this rapidly changing world?
- Aldert Kamp is the Former Director of Education at TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the Author of ‘Navigating the Landscape of Engineering Education’

Digital Engineering Education and Leadership
- Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht will present a vision of digital engineering education and leadership and the use of for example Learning Analytics, AI in Education, and Virtual and Augmented Reality for Education.
- He will discuss dilemmas and opportunities for (further) implementing digital education in the field from a leadership perspective.
- Prof. dr. Marcus Specht is a Professor of Digital Education at the Technical University of Delft and Director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Education and Learning (see:
Stimulating sustainable educational innovation in engineering education

- Prof. dr. Perry den Brok and Dr. Cindy Poortman will address the typical trends in educational innovation projects, and what such information might imply for university management. Nowadays, universities are struggling with obtaining an overview of the direction and effects of their innovation, and if the innovations are sustainable in the longer term. Therefore, a framework is needed to help universities’ leadership in mapping the nature and outcomes of educational innovations. Additionally, in innovation leadership, tools are necessary because they help in establishing more sustainable innovation.
- Perry den Brok is a professor in Education and Learning Sciences at WUR and chair of the group with the same name (ELS).
- Cindy Poortman is an associate professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. She is the 4TU.CEE (Centre for Engineering Education) leader at the University of Twente.
- 18:15 hours walk
- 18:30 hours start
- Including drinks and a light dinner
In the afternoon before the Welcome at the University of Twente campus, we offer an optional excursion. Please see the registration website for more information.
- 08:30 – 09:00 hours walk in and registration
- 09:00 hours start
- Visions of digitalization in higher engineering education
- Keynote: Higher Engineering Education for the Digital and Sustainable Society and Workplace by Dr. Aldert Kamp
- Keynote: Digital Engineering Education and Leadership by Dr. Marcus Specht
- Digitalization in higher engineering education: examples and discussion of implementation, scaling up and leadership
- Examples of digitalization in HEI and discussion
- Lunch
- Learning walkthrough and panel discussion
- Conclusions
- Social program and convention dinner
- 09:00 hours walk-in and coffee
- Keynote: Stimulating sustainable educational innovation in engineering education by Dr. Perry den Brok and Cindy Poortman
- Discussion
- Coffee break
- Wrap up and next ECED
- Lunch and goodbyes before 13:00 hours