The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Tuesday 19 April 11-13 EST / 17-19 CET
The broad and global nature of the challenges faced by society in our times highlights an increasing need to renew the engineering curriculum, to encourage students to take an active role in creating authentic and inclusive alternatives and solutions. Such approaches also challenge the value neutrality of technology, by encouraging students to think of the values they want to develop, the characteristics of the world they want to live in and how technological development can move society towards more sustainable and fulfilling paths. Our speakers will join this call for action and present ways in which they integrate activism and change initiatives in their teaching or engineering programmes.
Susan Lord (University of San Diego, USA): Examples of Creative Sociotechnical Curricula for Change-making Engineers
Johanna Höffken (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands): Educating for Impact: Responsible Innovation for the World
Darshan Karwat (Arizona State University, USA): Building a new field of engineering for environmental protection, justice, peace, and human rights