7 February 2025, 16:00-17:00 CET
Speakers and authors Gordon D. Hoople and Cindy Rottmann will present chapter 17 "Institutionalizing Social Justice in Engineering Curricula" from the handbook.
Growth mindset and the art of performing a systematic literature review
SEFI@work session of the SEFI SIG Engineering Education Research
8 February 2022, 12.30-13.30 (CET) – registration
SPEAKER: Anita Campbell, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Anita Campbell presented highlights of the inspiring European Journal of Engineering Education review study “Developing growth mindsets in engineering students: a systematic literature review of interventions” by Campbell, Direito & Mokithi. Apart from the content, the art of performing a systematic literature review was discussed. In the spirit of a growth mindset, the audience engaged in the discussions and found take-home messages related to the topic and the research methods discussed.
General information on the Engineering Education Research SEFI@work sessions 2022:
In 2022 the SEFI SIG on Engineering Education Research organizes three SEFI@Work sessions focusing on research methods in Engineering Education Research. These sessions will give the floor to a researcher that will share a high-impact publication with solid methodological foundations, and we will challenge them to share their experiences with the applied methods in order to support the research within our SEFI community.