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SEFI Summer School provides an opportunity for PhD students engaged in engineering and science education research to learn from experts and their peers.

Students will participate in workshops led by experts, centered around aspects of research in engineering and science education research:

  • Introduction: What makes engineering education research so special? Journals, reference papers, ontology, epistemology, research groups in Europe.
  • Quantitative Research Methods
    Data collection (surveys, experiments, etc) and data analysis (statistical analysis, quantifying subjective data, common flaws, etc.)
  • Qualitative Research Methods
    Data collection (interviews, focus groups, think aloud etc.) and interpretative analysis of the data within different research methodologies (Grounded Theory, Phenomenology, Phenomenography, Case study, etc.)
  • Mixed Methods
    An emergent methodology of research that advances the systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative data within a single investigation.Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the engineering education community and to present their current research and receive feedback from other students and experts.

This is aimed to PhD students conducting research in engineering and science education are invited to apply via our website. Deadline for registration 7 February 2022. Registration is at

Want more information? See the flyer with the full programme:

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