The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Presenting SEFI 2021 Best Paper Award winners
Tuesday, 7 December 2021 12:30pm – 2:30pm

It is a pleasure to offer you a SEFI@Work session where you can meet the “best papers” of SEFI 2021. In the seminar you will get familiar with the latest research and development within Engineering Education. Additionally, you can discuss the papers with the authors and other attendees, which is an excellent opportunity to network within the friendly SEFI community.
The agenda:
12:30: Welcome and introduction (Tinne)
12:40: Best research paper
“Towards Stakeholder Specific Visualization of Learning Paths in Software Engineering Teaching” Bomström Henri; Sievi-Korte Outi; Kilamo Terhi; Systä Kari; Annanperä Elina; Kelanti Markus; Liukkunen Kari // Tampere University, University of Oulu, Finland
13:00: Best concept paper
’’The value of interdisciplinary presentations for engineering students’’ Ruijten Peter
13:20: Susanne Ihsen award on diversity and inclusiveness
‘’Diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education: an exploration of European higher education institutions’ strategic frameworks, resources, and initiatives’’ Direito Ines; Chance Shannon; Clemmensen Line; Craps Sofie; Economides Sophia; Isaac Siara; Jolly Anne-Marie; Truscott Fiona; Wint Natalie
13:40: Best short paper
‘’Build it and they will come: Maintaining students access to fabrication and testing during a pandemic’’ Di Benedetti Matteo; Garrard Andrew; Beck Stephen
14:00-14:15 Closing and optional opportunity for networking.
The presenters are:
Henri Bomstrom
Peter Ruijten
Ines Direito
Matteo Di Benedetti
Tinne De Laet as a moderator.
Please register here.