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September was an active month for the SEFI SIG Ethics Community. At the annual conference organised by TU Berlin between 13-16 September, there were several dedicated workshop sessions:

Gunter Bombaerts, Luis Adriano, Shannon Chance, Václav Čuba, Mihály Héder, Sarah Junaid, Aleksandra Kazakova, Helena Kovacs, Thomas Lennerfors, Diana Adela Martin, Amirouche Moktefi, Alfredo Soeiro, Andrei Simionescu-Panait, Mircea Toboșaru, Roland Tormey, Horațiu Vermeșan: Comparing institutional strategies for engineering ethics education in regional, national and European contexts

Tom Børsen, Gunter Bombaerts, Shannon Chance, Thomas Lennerfors, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey: Eager to contribute to an Engineering Ethics Education Handbook?

Diana Adela Martin, Aditya Johri, Ashish Hingle, Thomas Lennerfors: Role-playing hypothetical stakeholder scenarios

Karin van der Heijden, Wouter Eggink, Ilse Ouwens, Steven Dorrestijn: Teaching Track for Ethics of Technology in Engineering Education

Tijn Borghuis, Roel Veraart, Lavinia Marin: Ethics Education for Engineers, creating Open Educational Materials

Roland Tormey: Collaboratively writing ‘Engineering Ethics’ in Wikipedia

Johanna Lönngren, Tom Adawi, Johan Holmén: When emotions are NOT outlawed: Using emotional scaffolding to enhance student learning

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