The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
September was an active month for the SEFI SIG Ethics Community. At the annual conference organised by TU Berlin between 13-16 September, there were several dedicated workshop sessions:
Gunter Bombaerts, Luis Adriano, Shannon Chance, Václav Čuba, Mihály Héder, Sarah Junaid, Aleksandra Kazakova, Helena Kovacs, Thomas Lennerfors, Diana Adela Martin, Amirouche Moktefi, Alfredo Soeiro, Andrei Simionescu-Panait, Mircea Toboșaru, Roland Tormey, Horațiu Vermeșan: Comparing institutional strategies for engineering ethics education in regional, national and European contexts
Tom Børsen, Gunter Bombaerts, Shannon Chance, Thomas Lennerfors, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey: Eager to contribute to an Engineering Ethics Education Handbook?
Diana Adela Martin, Aditya Johri, Ashish Hingle, Thomas Lennerfors: Role-playing hypothetical stakeholder scenarios
Karin van der Heijden, Wouter Eggink, Ilse Ouwens, Steven Dorrestijn: Teaching Track for Ethics of Technology in Engineering Education
Tijn Borghuis, Roel Veraart, Lavinia Marin: Ethics Education for Engineers, creating Open Educational Materials
Roland Tormey: Collaboratively writing ‘Engineering Ethics’ in Wikipedia
Johanna Lönngren, Tom Adawi, Johan Holmén: When emotions are NOT outlawed: Using emotional scaffolding to enhance student learning