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September was an active month for the SEFI SIG Ethics Community. At the annual conference organised by TU Berlin between 13-16 September, there were several dedicated paper sessions:

Una Beagon, Klara Kövesi, Brad Tabas, Bente Nørgaard, Riitta Lehtinen, Brian Bowe, Christiane Gillet, Claus Spliid: Sustainable Development and the SDGs: Revealing Engineering Academics, Students and Employer Viewpoints

Lavinia Marin, Janna van Grunsven, Taylor William Stone:  Performing ethics of technology. On using improvisational performance-based techniques in engineering ethics education

Ulla-Talvikki Virta, Hannu-Matti Järvinen: Working-life ethical issues faced by engineers

Victor G Galofre, Jordi Segalas: Assessing SDGs’ learning objectives in Engineering Education. Case study Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development at UPC Barcelona Tech.

Tom Børsen: Using Technology Assessment in Technical Study Program as a means to foster ethical reflections on the societal effects of technologies and engineering solutions

Sarah Junaid, Helena Kovacs, Diana Adela Martin, Yann Serreau: What is the role of ethics in accreditation guidelines for engineering programmes in Europe?

Alison Joy Gwynne-Evans: Benefit for Whom? Teaching and learning ethics within engineering in a diverse context

Diana Adela Martin, Gunter Bombaerts, Aditya Johri: Ethics is a disempowered subject in the engineering curriculum

Sarah Jayne Hitt, Thomas Taro Lennerfors: Using film in engineering ethics education

Thomas Taro Lennerfors: EVIL – a heuristic in engineering ethics education

Stéphane Flament, Klara Kövesi: How interdisciplinary sustainability courses influence engineering students’ sustainability awareness?

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