The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…

Wednesday June 23, 3-5pm CET
Introduction: Over the last three decades we have seen a massive shift in both engineering and philosophy towards the very real impacts that technologies have not only on individual users, but also on broader consequences of these technologies on the community, society, and the planet. Because of this, the question of design and how to design for human values has become a central focus in what we now call responsible innovation.
Still, despite engineers and designers agreeing on the need to design technologies for human values, rather than relegating to them as afterthoughts, they often fail to see salient ways forward regarding how to actually go about ethical design in their day-to-day work.
This online seminar explores one such approach and methods geared towards designing for human values, that being, value sensitive design (VSD). It will explore how VSD can be theoretically understood and practically applied in any design domain. It will likewise demonstrate one of the many VSD tools called Envisioning Cards for how designers can immediately begin to implement VSD in their practices.
Steven Umbrello (University of Turin, Italy): Progress, Not Perfection: Introduction to Value Sensitive Design
Daisy Yoo (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands): Envisioning Cards for Better Futures: Introduction to VSD Methods