10 February 2025, 13:00 - 14:00 CET
Between 2025-2027, the SEFI Ethics SIG is excited to invite you to take part in The Routledge International Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education talk show series, where 3-4 authors will discuss in a lively format on themes of interest for the community of engineering education research.
4 FEBRUARY 2021, 3-5PM UTC/4-6PM CET/10-12AM EST
Engineering ethics has increasingly become a significant part of engineering education frameworks worldwide. While accreditation and policy play a major part in the construction and design of engineering programmes, the weight of ethics at this level is variable. Please join us in the debate, this online seminar will explore accreditation and its role in engineering ethics education with an international panel of speakers:
Alison Gwynn-Evans (University of Cape Town, South Africa): “Using an expanded conceptual framework for ethics to engage with accreditation: A South African perspective.”
Madeline Polmear (University of Florida, USA): “Engineering educators’ perspectives on accreditation in the US context”
Diana Adela Martin and Catherine Deegan (TU Dublin, Ireland): “Evaluating ethics for the purpose of accreditation on-site and online: challenges and suggestions from the Irish context“
For further information about this webinar, please contact the organiser, Dr Sarah Junaid, s.junaid@aston.ac.uk.