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The Dutch Recognition & Rewards network, the Comenius network, and Ruth Graham invite you to a series of webinars on the reward of university teaching, open to the full higher education community in November 2020.

The first webinar will take place on Monday 23 November 9:30-11:00 am (Central European Time) and will look at the challenges and opportunities associated with an institution-wide change to university career pathways and systems of rewarding teaching. Case study introductions by Joe Chicharo (University of Wollongong, Australia), Manon Kluijtmans (Utrecht University, Netherlands), and Sam Smidt (UCL, UK). 

The second webinar will take place on Friday 27 November 9:30-11:00 am (Central European Time).  It will look at the progress made in collaborative, country-wide changes to university reward systems and the challenges and opportunities associated with national reform. Three case study introductions will set the stage: Rianne Letschert (University of Maastricht), Dato’ Mohd Saleh Jaafar (Malaysian Ministry for Higher Education), and Inger Askehave (Aalborg University, Denmark). 

You can sign up for either one or both webinars through this form.

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