Dear Members and Partners, We are pleased to share with you SEFI’s Strategic Plan for…

As representatives of Engineering Education in Europe and North America, SEFI and ASEE align their diversity in engineering education initiatives in a Joint Statement on Diversity Equity and Inclusion.
This paper was written by members of both Societies under the coordination of Susan E. Valden (ASEE) and Ines Direito (SEFI) and calls for active promotion of diversity in engineering, particularly supporting those who have been continuously disadvantaged, and also ensure that all individuals are provided with equal opportunity to access, pursue, and advance in engineering careers. It is concluded by the following Pledge for action:
As a member of a global engineering community, I pledge to celebrate diversity, create opportunities, and actively support inclusive environments, in which all my students, colleagues, and members of the wider society are welcomed, respected, and valued. I acknowledge that a path with no examination, reflection, and action perpetuates an inequitable status quo. I commit to work collaboratively with all engineering community members and stakeholders to disrupt systemic exclusion and to create a culture where all will thrive.
We kindly ask you to share this Joint Statement with your network of contacts.