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Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim for a more peaceful and prosperous world by 2030. Faculty and students are more than ready to be part of the change. How can it be facilitated? By using the SDGs as inspiration within the engineering curricular, the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts can be emphasized. This belief is in the DNA of Ansys Granta. Its GRANTA EduPack software, a tool that helps educators teach materials selection for mechanical, aerospace and bioengineering design at undergraduate level, can also be used to introduce various aspects of the SDGs, either through its core data, Materials Selection and Eco Audit Tools, or via a 5-step Sustainable Development Assessment, the framework of which is freely available using the Active-Learning Toolkit – Sustainable Development. On Granta’s Education Hub, educators can find further support through a number of open case studies, exercises and lecture units, that have been designed specifically for sustainable development.

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