The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Join the SEFI Open and Online Education Community!
Message from Chair of SIG on Open and Online Education
Just-in-time-online! This has become the reality and norm for all of us with our education activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even now, I am writing this message while between meetings to figure out workable solutions to the upcoming exam period and to help troubleshoot how to convert hands-on practical courses to a digital environment. It is tough even for us online veterans!
One thing I have been happy to see, though, is that the education community has really rallied together to support each other during this time. In the Special Interest Group on Open and Online Education, we are busy sharing experiences in our online platform Feel free to join the discussions there and share your own experiences, tips, and tricks with regards to online education. We are also busy planning a special workshop for the upcoming SEFI conference to reflect on our online education experiences during this crisis and how it will influence online education in the future. We have a lot we can learn from each other in these times.
Of course, I also hope each of you are staying safe and taking care of your own health and well-being. Please use technology to reach out to your colleagues, friends, and loved ones during this time. We will all get through these tough times together, and with any luck, we will gain new and valuable perspectives on the possible roles of digital tools in education and our daily lives.
Calvin Rans
SIG chair of Open and Online Education
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft