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Model for Creative European Engineering Education
The last Transnational Meeting of our EU Erasmus+ strategic partnership project “EBCC” took place in University of Riga (coordinator) on 26-27 February 2020. The meeting brought together representatives from the partner institutions, I. Viksne and S. Puskarjova (TU Riga), F. Côme (SEFI), A. Lanthonty (Supmeca), M. Dunez, A. Fagnani (Plaine Commune) and A. Mihailidis (AUTH).
The participants discussed in depth the different phases of the two-year project to be ended in April, such as the guidelines and examples for using rapid prototyping to acquire practical skills in product design engineering, the sustainable partnership model among universities, communities and industry in the region and the results of the pilot phase in which the partnership model and the guidelines will be verified by industry and/or community-driven projects. The second day was essentially dedicated to discuss the final report to be sent to the Latvian ERASMUS Agency before April 30 as well as the financial report, and to a visit of the Faculty of Architecture 3D workshop. The Project partners also discussed the follow up of the EBCC project, and the possible application for a new project in 2021.
We hereby would like to thank all those who participated for the interesting exchanges and especially the TU Riga for the excellent welcome! A paper about the project will be prepared for the SEFI Annual Conference 2020.