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New EU project applications

So, far SEFI is still committed in three ongoing EU projects:

  • PREFER Knowledge Alliance (KU Leuven),
  • EBCC Model Strategic partnership (Riga Technical University) and
  • A-STEP 2030 (ENSTA Bretagne).

Recently, in its meeting of 28 January, our Steering Committee agreed to support a series of new projects applications, under ERASMUS + (one Knowledge Alliances, three European University projects, one Capacity building initiative, one Strategic partnership for HE supporting innovation) and under HORIZON 2020 in the context of Gender equality in in science and research.
Results of these applications should be known in the summer and we therefore hope to have positive news to share with you all in our September newsletter.

In the meantime, we hereby would like to thank all our partners and members projects teams for their efforts in the final steps of these applications and for their outstanding work in general.


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